Thursday, March 16, 2006

Mandatory Company Raffle

The company I work for is holding a mandatory, office-wide raffle in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. It coincides with the company’s plan, announced last week, to downsize. Over one third of the current staff must be eliminated. Tickets, which are not required in order to participate, are free. Participation, on the other hand, is required. The losers must have their desks cleaned out in two weeks.

If I’m forced to leave, mark my words - I’m taking my Garfield Post-It Cozy with me… along with anything that happens to be in it at the time.

Monday, March 13, 2006

MySpace for Newborns

The social networking web site MySpace has become so popular that it has finally expanded to satisfy the long-running demand for a separate site devoted, entirely, to newborn babies. Users can now peruse the profiles of the newest, littlest people on the planet. I, for one, have never been more excited about the prospect of fathering a child. Now I just need to get a date (better get back to searching MySpace for local, single females)!