Friday, May 20, 2005

Pixie Sightings

Pixie season is officially upon us, and this year it seems the little buggers are out in record numbers!
I still remember, with great affection, the warm summer nights my brothers and I spent as children searching for the elfin creatures in the backyard of our suburban home. My oldest brother was always the first to spot one dash across the lawn or scurry through a tree. It was no surprise that he would be the first to catch one with his bare hands. I remember he kept it on a shelf in his bedroom along with his books and toys. Eventually the smell became so intolerable that my mother forced him to return it to the backyard. We would never again be allowed in the house with our dead little friends.

This year I plan on catching and killing a dozen or so... for old time’s sake.

Rare photo of the mischievous woodland creature practicing its magic.