Friday, May 26, 2006

Brand New Mouse Pad (Update)

Well, after ten days I still hadn't received my new mouse pad so I called the company I ordered it from. I was told that I filled out the shipping information incorrectly on the web site. Apparently I typed my name where my address was supposed to go and my address where my phone number was supposed to go and so on and so on. The item was shipped out but when it arrived at my local post office they immediately sent it back.

The woman I spoke with on the phone said she could correct the mistake and resend the item with no shipping charge but I told her to just cancel the order. I've been thinking about it more and more and I've decided that the mouse pad I've got still has a lot of life left in it. Plus, I should really be trying to save money.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Brand New Mouse Pad

I just finished placing an order online for a new mouse pad! I chose a tropical design so when I look at it I can pretend I’m thousands of miles away from the office relaxing on a beach somewhere. Hopefully it’ll do the trick since I used up all my vacation days late last December staying with my mom in the hospital.

I was going to splurge and get the one with the Easy Glide Gel Wrist Rest but I heard from a pretty reliable source that it wasn’t worth the extra dough. Now I just need to figure out what to do with my old Looney Tunes pad.

I guess I’ll just throw it away.

See you in 3-5 business days!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Mandatory Company Raffle

The company I work for is holding a mandatory, office-wide raffle in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. It coincides with the company’s plan, announced last week, to downsize. Over one third of the current staff must be eliminated. Tickets, which are not required in order to participate, are free. Participation, on the other hand, is required. The losers must have their desks cleaned out in two weeks.

If I’m forced to leave, mark my words - I’m taking my Garfield Post-It Cozy with me… along with anything that happens to be in it at the time.

Monday, March 13, 2006

MySpace for Newborns

The social networking web site MySpace has become so popular that it has finally expanded to satisfy the long-running demand for a separate site devoted, entirely, to newborn babies. Users can now peruse the profiles of the newest, littlest people on the planet. I, for one, have never been more excited about the prospect of fathering a child. Now I just need to get a date (better get back to searching MySpace for local, single females)!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Cat News

Akron, Ohio – Whiskers (6 years old) is addicted to cheese! The other day her owner, Sheila, cut a small piece for her and promptly returned the plate of cheese to the refrigerator. She called for the cheese-loving cat but Whiskers was nowhere to be found. Sheila checked all the usual hiding spots until she finally found her… inside the fridge with the plate of cheese!!! Whiskers!

Vancouver, British Columbia – Lucy (4 years old) loves to sleep with her owners every night. The only problem is - she’s the only one who gets any sleep! Quit your snorin’, Lucy!!!

San Francisco, California – Mr. Tibbs (2 1/2 years old) is a gift-giving cat. Although his owner, Kathy, doesn’t exactly like the gifts he gives her. Just the other morning Kathy woke up to find a brand new present from Mr. Tibbs lying on the pillow beside her… a dead mouse!!! Yuck, Mr. Tibbs!

Lisbon, Romania – Gertie (5 years old) tore off the arm of a man who put his hand into her cage to stroke her. The arm could not be reattached.

Keep your paws off the customers, Gertie!

Friday, December 30, 2005

His Name Is John Daker

Ladies and gentleman, take a break from your day to enjoy a few songs from Mr. John Daker.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Top Ten Snacks of All Time

10. Combos
9. Party Mix
8. Rolds Golds
7. Lays Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips
6. Pringles
5. Cool Ranch Doritos
4. Ruffles The Works
3. TGI Friday’s Potato Skin Chips
2. Cheese Curls
1. Peanuts


Friday, May 20, 2005

Pixie Sightings

Pixie season is officially upon us, and this year it seems the little buggers are out in record numbers!
I still remember, with great affection, the warm summer nights my brothers and I spent as children searching for the elfin creatures in the backyard of our suburban home. My oldest brother was always the first to spot one dash across the lawn or scurry through a tree. It was no surprise that he would be the first to catch one with his bare hands. I remember he kept it on a shelf in his bedroom along with his books and toys. Eventually the smell became so intolerable that my mother forced him to return it to the backyard. We would never again be allowed in the house with our dead little friends.

This year I plan on catching and killing a dozen or so... for old time’s sake.

Rare photo of the mischievous woodland creature practicing its magic.